Friday, September 10, 2010

Baby quilt!

We had my daughter's baby shower last night!  It was lots of fun and she got lots of nice stuff from very nice family friends!  Here's a picture of her (and my grandson, of course), her husband on her left, and my son at a Labor Day cookout:

And here's the baby quilt, or at least the unfinished quilt (gasp!)  I neglected to take a pic of the finish!  Ashley from Film in the Fridge gave me permission to use her design.  I acquired some goldfish in the bag fabric in a bidding war on Ebay (yaay) after I fell in love with her twin baby quilts. I didn't have a pattern and my math leaves much to be desired so my hubbie helped immensely in that department.  It came out pretty good, I think.  I'll have to ask Tara to give it back so I can get some final pictures to show you.  In these it's not sandwiched or bound.

A side view of my grandson who should be joining us in about four weeks!  
Thanks for tarrying with me a bit!  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. its a lovely quilt and your daughter is radiant!! i love the colors you chose for the quilt.


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