Friday, August 8, 2014

Rotary cutting - ouch

Funny how I just couldn't bear to cut the lawn today with my healing hand (carpal tunnel surgery two weeks ago).  BUT I am managing to use my rotary cutter, much to my hand's detriment.  Well, not really.  I'm told you can't mess up the surgery that was done, but it sure hurts plenty.  My husband was doing some cutting for me, but he's out with his high school buddies tonight.  I couldn't make any more progress unless I did some cutting, so cutting I did!  :-)  Thank God for Tramadol.  It's going to be my friend tonight.

What have you been up to?  I fear I'm missing out on what a lot of you are posting on Instagram.  I have not jumped on that band wagon, yet.  But soon.
Take care, my blogging friends.
~ Jodi ~


  1. Hi Jodi. Don't overdo it. You are a determined soul aren't you? : )

  2. I'm way behind on blog-reading. So sorry to hear about your surgery, but trust now that you're healing and your hand is feeling better. I hope you join Instagram. It's the quilter's place to be these days!


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